Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Journal #8 Sense of Place Interview

I recently interviewed one of my grandparents and during this interview I asked him a series of questions to figure out his philosophy on sustainability. Above is a photograph of my grandpa Stan. The first question I asked him was, Do you know what environmental sustainability is? I was not surprised at all when he told me he really had no idea what sustainability is. He said back when he was a child his lifestyle was completely different that mine. My grandpa was born in Bronx, New York where he grew up and spent most of his life. After explaining to him about what was being covered in class he was able to give me a better idea on his idea of sustainability. He first went on about he was born into poverty and had to work very hard to get to the place where he is now. While I was born I into a loving and caring family that is well off. Back than people didn't even think about what they were doing was causing negative effects to the environment, let alone did they care. Now we realize what we have done and need to try to fix what we have done. My grandpa has always loved the outdoors and spends most of his days at the beach or lounging in his lanai.He said his views have changed as hes grown older, from not caring to doing what he can to better the environment. He was happy to hear about what I was learning in class and found the class to be a very interesting subject of discussion.

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